Nedeľné sv. omše

1995-01-04 - message obtained through Martin

My dear children!
     Thank you for coming such a long way and not forgetting about My Rosary. Beloved children, thank you. Do not be afraid, I am with you all the way.

1995-01-05 - message obtained through Martin

My dear children!
     Although the new year has come, yet you did not do much about yourselves. I am sad, because you haven’t tried anything. I come to ask little children, because they are able to impetrate many things. The Big day of the Lord is coming and you do not care about it. My beloved children. I want to help you, but you need to make some effort as well. I am your Mother. Please, change yourselves.

1995-01-07 - message obtained through Martin

My beloved children!
     Thank you for coming here. I keep inviting you to come here and you always do. I am the Queen of the Universe, I am the Immaculate Chastity, yet so many insult me – they do not believe in my chastity. I want you to pray more Rosaries during the day, and if you cannot, pray at least shorter prayers. Thank you. I am very happy.

1995-01-12 - message obtained through Martin

My dear children!
     Thank you for coming here. Why are you so bad? You encounter temptation very often, and you fail. Little Jesus loves you very much. Didn’t He give you enough Love when He died for you?
     I am always with those who really love me. But I love all the children, and I am with you. Why is there so few of you at my evening congregation? This cold weather is a test for you. I thank all those who are here.
     I love you very much and I thank you.

1995-01-26 - message obtained through Martin

My dear children!
     Thank you for coming here. Today I am coming and I am bringing you a lot of grace – to prove that I love you very much. Everyone will experience it differently, and everyone will accept it differently. Accept grace. Do not be bad to each other and do not do bad things to one another. Didn’t Jesus teach you to love one another? Each work you do you shall carry out conscientiously and with respect, because you praise God with your work. I love you very much, my children.